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Why is a government job better

government job more desirable than a private job in Bangladesh.

Government jobs are like gold deer. Just because that you like it more does not mean the average population likes it. Most government jobs are riddled with corruption. The corruption is so overwhelmingly an open secret that it is impossible that someone applying for a government job does not know it exists there.
Part of the job requires (unofficially of course) that you partake in the “self improvement undertakings” or at least “keep your trap shut”. You will not survive the govt job if you do not agree with those principles or are non-conforming with those ideas.
Now going to the private sector. Who told you it is less desirable? What are your sources? Have you heard from people you know-if yes to this then they are extremely unreliable sources of information or they are some of those bribe loving job holders. I know I sound heartless but ask any conscience filled Bangladeshi who does not have any political affiliation and they will tell you the same.
Bottom line is govt job is only desirable who likes a lot of bribes. Now obviously it is not the case for all positions and there are genuinely nice people out there that are rare.
Examples of some severely corrupted jobs: Passport office(almost all positions), WASA(Water Supply & Sewerage Authority), PDB(Power Development Board), NBR(National Board of Revenue), Police, Politician, Customs, Railway, Forest Development Board and many more.
Edit: My dad worked in a government office. He is an innocent fella. Does not get into the twisted heap of politics or bribery.I know there are many nice people out there working for a decent living no question on that. But I also know that a certain undiscernable amount of government positions have political corruption engraved in them.
This answer was not written with hatred but with disgust and 1st hand experience. Ask 10 Bengalis and see what they say, the first thing that comes to their mind when they hear about the above jobs. Your unparallel love should not equate to a falsehold. You must be open to criticism and not get blinded by the overwhelming patriotism of your country.

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