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Unemployment problem in Bangladesh and the world

Unemployment problem in Bangladesh

long line of job

Unemployment means lack of productive work or occupation. It is a state where somebody does not have a job for earning his living. It is detrimental both to one’s personal status as a human being and to the economy of a country as a Whole. There may be many causes of it . First of all, mass unemployment is caused to try a general deficiency of demand and affects nearly all the industries at the same time. Secondly, a change in demand causes structural unemployment. Thirdly, unemployment is caused by technological progress as fewer people are needed for doing some jobs due to the invention of new machinery or process. Fourthly, seasonal
unemployment occurs in some types of work. ln some industries, production is done only in a certain part of the year. Lastly, there are also some unemployed people who are not fit for work due to physical and mental disability ln Bangladesh, more than 15 crore people live in a small land area of 55,598 square miles. As there is a big deficiency in employment and economic activities, a huge portion of people of this country is unemployed. The reasons are mainly limited cultivable land, lack of industrialization, illiteracy, and excessive population. For overcoming the situation initiatives should be taken at the private and public level to remove illiteracy and generates more employment

it means to remain out of earning the livelihood. When qualified men do not get any work for earning their livelihood is called unemployment problem. At present, this problem is acute in Bangladesh. Thousands of people in our country are Without any job. There are some reasons behind the unemployment problem. The rapid growth of population is the main cause of it. The development in the industrial sector is very slow. We can engage in it only a limited number of people. Most of the people of our country depend on agriculture. Nevertheless, our cultivable land is very limited. Our education system is also responsible for the unemployment problem. it is not pragmatic. There are a large number of bad effects of the unemployment problem. It is a barrier to all kinds of development. Unemployed men are the burden to the country.
They become addicted to drugs and involvement in crimes. However, there are some possible solutions to it. Population growth must be controlled. A large number of mills, factories and industries should be set up where many of our unemployed youths will get the opportunity to work. A great change should be brought into our education system. Above all, to change the attitude of our educated youths is essential to remove this curse from the society.

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